Working software over comprehensive documentation means documentation is unimportant

The agile manifesto prescribes that teams should value working software over comprehensive documentation. It is a challenge which is why we come together as an agile community to support each other in living our commitment to uncover a better way of doing things we do. The agile manifesto is clear about working software over comprehensive documentation. Update for working software over comprehensive documentation means. Working software over comprehensive documentation means. Working software over comprehensive documentation means that delivering software that does what it should comes first in the priorities before. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples log in dictionary. It doesnt mean that you should not create documentation. For software products, working software means the software meets whats. Create just enough models and documentation to get by ambler 2002, p.

Working software over comprehensive documentation dba presents. The agile manifesto was created in 2001 by 17 software developers. Where does documentation like business and software requirement. The second agile core value emphasizes working software over comprehensive documentation.

One of the biggest hindrances to progress in a software project is documentation. For this agile value to be in full effect, both the documentation and the working software must deliver value. If you are using scrum, its up to the organization to define what is right. A little while ago in a private agile forum i saw a post by a person who was very frustrated with agile.

Documentation definition and meaning collins english. Teams that follow the traditional approach to it projects define and document requirements in the early stages of the. This core value asks us to think about how much and which kinds of documents are needed and whe. The agile manifesto values documentation, but it values working software more. Working software over comprehensive documentation 3. Documentation functions as a mean of communication in software development in general curtis et al. A software development teams focus should be on producing working products. Documentation consists of documents which provide proof or evidence of something, or are.

While there is value in comprehensive documentation the authors of the agile manifesto value working software more. Documentation is useful until you overdo it, then it will not be updated and. The agile manifesto says documentation is not important. Not software that even completely solves a customer problem. Effectiveness manifesto practical tips alexsandro souza. Waterfallacy there is no documentation in agile agilitrix. The manifesto for agile software development values working software over comprehensive documentation. The working software over comprehensive documentation means is developing at a frantic pace. On projects using agile management tools, the only way to measure whether you are truly done with a product requirement is to produce the working product feature associated with that requirement.

Their main concern was over the manifesto value working software over comprehensive documentation. New versions of the software should be released several times a quarter and even several times a month. In february 2001, the agile manifesto was created by representatives from extreme programming, scrum, dsdm and what not, in an attempt to define the. Working software over comprehensive documentation rationales. This by no means implies that the latter, for instance test documents, should not be part of a sound software development process, in fact they. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation negotiation is the period when the customer and the product manager work out the details of a delivery, with points along the way where the details may be renegotiated. In the manifesto for agile software development one can read. The scenario that they presented was one, where as a product owner, they wanted to understand a few of the. They avoid getting bogged down in unimportant details, such as excessive paperwork or overexplanation. Working software over comprehensive documentation agile.